/var/helenos/ci/test-in-vm.py:142: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read https://msg.pyyaml.org/load for full details. scenario = yaml.load(f) [2024-03-29 03:33:19,114 main DEBUG] Creating new machine default. [2024-03-29 03:33:19,120 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Starting QEMU: qemu-system-ppc -usb -boot d -cdrom /var/helenos/nightly/web-ci/.build-686/ppc32/helenos-ppc32-with-sycek.iso -m 512 -display none -monitor unix:tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-monitor,server,nowait [2024-03-29 03:33:19,144 rtr-ctl-socket DEBUG] remaining=30, n=0, interval=2, "Failed to connect to QEMU control socket." [2024-03-29 03:33:21,145 rtr-ctl-socket DEBUG] remaining=28, n=1, interval=2, "Failed to connect to QEMU control socket." [2024-03-29 03:33:21,145 QEMU-ppc32 INFO] Machine started. [2024-03-29 03:33:21,145 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey ret' [2024-03-29 03:33:21,145 rtr-vterm DEBUG] remaining=180, n=0, interval=5, "Failed to boot into userspace" [2024-03-29 03:33:21,145 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:33:21,145 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:33:22,226 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:33:22,227 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:33:22,227 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:33:22,227 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:22,227 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:33:22,227 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:22,227 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 397 [2024-03-29 03:33:22,227 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 632x448 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 79 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 28 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _________________????????????????????????????????????????????__________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _________________?????????????????????????????????????????????_________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,524 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | _______________________________________________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:24,525 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_________________????????????????????????????????????????????__________________', '_________________?????????????????????????????????????????????_________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________', '_______________________________________________________________________________'] [2024-03-29 03:33:29,529 rtr-vterm DEBUG] remaining=175, n=1, interval=5, "Failed to boot into userspace" [2024-03-29 03:33:29,529 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:33:29,529 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:33:30,093 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:33:30,093 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:33:30,093 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:33:30,093 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:30,093 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:33:30,093 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:30,093 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 6110 [2024-03-29 03:33:30,093 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:33:33,187 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????? ????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ? [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:33:33,188 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:33:33,189 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['???????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '??????????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????', '??????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????????????????', '????????????????????????????????', '????????????????????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????????????????????????', '?????????????????????????????????????', '?????????????????????????????????', '??????????????????????????????????????????????', '??????????????????? ?????????????????????????', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????', '?????????????????????????????', '???????????????????????????????????????', '?', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:33:38,193 rtr-vterm DEBUG] remaining=170, n=2, interval=5, "Failed to boot into userspace" [2024-03-29 03:33:38,193 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:33:38,194 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:33:39,201 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:33:39,655 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:33:39,655 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:33:39,655 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:33:39,656 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:39,656 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:33:39,656 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:39,656 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 4341 [2024-03-29 03:33:39,656 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????_____________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????________________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????_??????????????????????________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????______________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_____________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????______________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,402 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????_____________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:42,403 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????_____________________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????________________________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________', '??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????_??????????????????????________', '??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????______________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_____________________', '??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????______________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________', '??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________', '??????????????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????_____________________________'] [2024-03-29 03:33:47,405 rtr-vterm DEBUG] remaining=165, n=3, interval=5, "Failed to boot into userspace" [2024-03-29 03:33:47,406 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:33:47,406 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:33:47,859 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:33:47,859 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:33:47,860 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:33:47,860 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:47,860 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:33:47,860 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:47,860 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 4584 [2024-03-29 03:33:47,860 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:33:50,882 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:33:50,882 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????______ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,882 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????______ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,882 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????_____________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????__________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????__________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,883 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,884 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,884 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,884 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????_????????_???????????????_____ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,884 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,884 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,884 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,884 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????_____________________________ [2024-03-29 03:33:50,884 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????______', '??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????______', '??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________', '??????????????????????????????????????????????__________________________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????_____________________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________', '????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????????_________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????________________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????????___________________________', '??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????__________________', '??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????__________________', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????____', '??????????????????????????????????????????????????_????????_???????????????_____', '?????????????????????????????????????????????????_______________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________', '????????????????????????????????????????????????????____________________________', '???????????????????????????????????????????????????_____________________________'] [2024-03-29 03:33:55,889 rtr-vterm DEBUG] remaining=160, n=4, interval=5, "Failed to boot into userspace" [2024-03-29 03:33:55,889 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:33:55,889 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:33:56,900 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:33:57,328 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:33:57,328 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:33:57,328 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:33:57,328 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:57,328 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:33:57,328 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:33:57,328 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1628 [2024-03-29 03:33:57,328 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # _ [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,324 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # _', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 QEMU-ppc32 INFO] Machine booted into userspace. [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 command INFO] Typing 'ccheck --test' into default. [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 command DEBUG] RE for prompt matching: re.compile('^/[^ ]* #\\ _[\t ]*$') [2024-03-29 03:34:00,325 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:00,326 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:00,786 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:00,786 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:00,786 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:00,786 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:00,786 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:00,786 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:00,786 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1628 [2024-03-29 03:34:00,787 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:03,844 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:03,844 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:03,844 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:03,844 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:03,844 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:03,844 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,844 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:03,844 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # _ [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,845 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # _', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey c' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey c' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey h' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey e' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey c' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey k' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey spc' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey minus' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey minus' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey t' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey e' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey s' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,846 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'sendkey t' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,847 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=60, n=0, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:03,847 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:03,847 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:04,465 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:04,465 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:04,465 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:04,465 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:04,465 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:04,465 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:04,465 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1628 [2024-03-29 03:34:04,466 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # _ [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:07,876 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # _', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:09,877 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=58, n=1, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:09,878 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:09,878 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:34:10,887 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:11,327 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:11,327 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:11,327 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:11,327 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:11,327 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:11,327 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:11,327 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:34:11,327 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,504 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:14,505 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:16,507 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=56, n=2, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:16,508 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:16,508 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:34:17,515 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:17,907 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:17,907 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:17,907 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:17,908 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:17,908 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:17,908 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:17,908 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:34:17,908 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:21,194 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:21,194 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:21,194 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:21,195 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:23,197 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=54, n=3, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:23,197 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:23,198 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:34:24,207 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:24,659 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:24,659 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:24,659 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:24,659 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:24,659 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:24,659 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:24,659 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:34:24,660 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,558 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:27,559 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:29,561 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=52, n=4, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:29,561 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:29,562 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:34:30,569 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:31,084 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:31,084 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:31,084 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:31,084 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:31,084 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:31,084 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:31,084 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:34:31,084 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,832 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:34,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:36,833 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=50, n=5, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:36,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:36,833 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:37,455 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:37,456 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:37,456 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:37,456 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:37,456 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:37,456 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:37,456 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:34:37,456 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:40,879 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:40,879 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:40,880 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:42,881 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=48, n=6, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:42,882 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:42,882 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:43,393 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:43,393 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:43,393 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:43,393 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:43,393 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:43,393 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:43,393 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:34:43,394 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:46,449 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:46,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:48,453 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=46, n=7, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:48,453 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:48,453 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:48,989 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:48,989 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:48,989 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:48,989 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:48,989 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:48,989 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:48,990 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:34:48,990 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,437 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,438 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,438 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,438 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:52,438 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:34:54,440 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=44, n=8, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:34:54,440 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:34:54,440 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:34:54,998 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:34:54,998 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:34:54,998 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:34:54,998 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:54,998 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:34:54,998 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:34:54,998 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:34:54,999 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:34:58,653 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:34:58,654 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:00,656 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=42, n=9, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:00,656 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:00,657 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:35:01,667 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:02,275 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:02,275 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:02,275 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:02,275 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:02,275 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:02,275 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:02,275 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:02,275 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,620 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:05,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:07,621 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=40, n=10, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:07,621 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:07,622 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:08,117 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:08,118 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:08,118 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:08,118 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:08,118 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:08,118 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:08,118 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:08,118 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:11,177 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:11,178 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:13,180 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=38, n=11, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:13,180 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:13,180 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:13,820 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:13,820 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:13,820 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:13,820 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:13,820 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:13,820 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:13,820 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:13,821 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:17,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:17,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:17,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:17,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:17,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:17,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,450 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:17,451 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:19,453 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=36, n=12, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:19,454 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:19,454 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:19,985 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:19,985 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:19,985 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:19,985 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:19,985 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:19,985 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:19,985 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:19,985 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,911 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:23,912 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:25,913 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=34, n=13, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:25,914 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:25,914 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:26,530 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:26,530 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:26,530 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:26,530 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:26,530 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:26,530 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:26,530 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,060 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:30,061 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:32,061 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=32, n=14, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:32,062 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:32,062 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:35:33,072 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:33,531 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:33,531 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:33,531 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:33,531 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:33,531 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:33,531 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:33,531 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:33,532 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,969 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:37,970 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:39,972 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=30, n=15, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:39,972 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:39,972 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:40,458 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:40,459 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:40,459 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:40,459 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:40,459 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:40,459 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:40,459 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:40,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,708 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:43,709 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:45,711 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=28, n=16, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:45,712 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:45,712 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:46,232 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:46,232 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:46,233 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:46,233 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:46,233 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:46,233 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:46,233 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:46,233 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:49,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:49,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:49,833 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:49,834 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:51,837 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=26, n=17, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:51,837 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:51,837 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:52,244 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:52,244 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:52,244 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:52,244 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:52,244 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:52,244 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:52,244 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:52,244 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,668 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:35:55,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:35:57,671 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=24, n=18, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:35:57,672 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:35:57,672 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:35:58,158 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:35:58,158 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:35:58,158 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:35:58,158 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:58,158 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:35:58,158 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:35:58,158 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:35:58,159 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:01,772 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:01,773 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:03,775 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=22, n=19, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:03,776 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:03,776 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:36:04,790 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:05,335 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:05,335 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:05,335 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:05,335 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:05,335 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:05,335 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:05,335 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:05,335 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:08,985 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:08,985 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:08,986 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:10,989 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=20, n=20, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:10,989 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:10,989 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:11,539 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:11,539 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:11,539 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:11,539 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:11,539 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:11,539 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:11,539 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:11,539 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:14,680 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:14,680 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:14,680 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:14,680 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:14,680 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:14,680 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:14,681 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:16,682 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=18, n=21, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:16,683 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:16,683 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:17,192 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:17,192 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:17,193 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:17,193 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:17,193 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:17,193 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:17,193 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:17,193 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:20,573 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:20,574 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:22,576 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=16, n=22, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:22,576 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:22,577 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:23,183 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:23,183 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:23,183 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:23,183 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:23,183 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:23,183 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:23,183 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:23,183 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:26,530 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:26,530 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:26,531 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:28,533 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=14, n=23, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:28,533 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:28,534 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:36:29,542 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:29,960 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:29,960 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:29,960 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:29,960 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:29,960 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:29,960 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:29,960 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:29,960 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:33,556 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:33,556 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:33,556 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:33,557 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:35,560 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=12, n=24, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:35,560 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:35,560 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:36:36,569 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:37,118 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:37,119 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:37,119 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:37,119 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:37,119 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:37,119 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:37,119 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:37,119 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:40,421 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:42,424 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=10, n=25, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:42,424 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:42,424 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:43,026 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:43,026 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:43,026 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:43,026 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:43,026 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:43,026 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:43,027 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:43,027 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:46,140 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:46,140 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:46,140 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:46,140 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:46,140 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:46,140 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:46,141 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:48,144 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=8, n=26, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:48,144 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:48,144 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" convert: unable to read image data `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' @ error/pnm.c/ReadPNMImage/1350. convert: no images defined `tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3229. [2024-03-29 03:36:49,155 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=9, n=1, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:49,668 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:49,668 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:49,669 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:49,669 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:49,669 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:49,669 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:49,669 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:49,669 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,544 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:52,545 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:36:54,545 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=6, n=27, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:36:54,546 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:36:54,546 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:36:55,129 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:36:55,129 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:36:55,129 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:36:55,129 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:55,130 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:36:55,130 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:36:55,130 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:36:55,130 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,459 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,460 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,460 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,460 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,460 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:36:58,460 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:37:00,461 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=4, n=28, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:37:00,462 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:37:00,462 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:37:00,958 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:37:00,958 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:37:00,958 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:37:00,958 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:37:00,958 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:37:00,958 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:37:00,958 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:37:00,959 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,953 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:04,954 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:37:06,954 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] remaining=2, n=29, interval=2, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:37:06,955 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'screendump tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-full.ppm' [2024-03-29 03:37:06,955 rtr-scrdump DEBUG] remaining=10, n=0, interval=1, "Failed to capture screen" [2024-03-29 03:37:07,581 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IHDR' 16 13 [2024-03-29 03:37:07,581 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'gAMA' 41 4 [2024-03-29 03:37:07,581 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'bKGD' 57 2 [2024-03-29 03:37:07,581 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'bKGD' 57 2 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:37:07,581 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'tIME' 71 7 [2024-03-29 03:37:07,581 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] b'tIME' 71 7 (unknown) [2024-03-29 03:37:07,582 PIL.PngImagePlugin DEBUG] STREAM b'IDAT' 90 1689 [2024-03-29 03:37:07,582 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Running pipe convert tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.png -crop 640x480 +repage -crop 8x16 +repage +adjoin txt:- | sed -e 's|[0-9]*,[0-9]*: ([^)]*)[ ]*#\([0-9A-Fa-f]\{6\}\).*|\1|' -e 's:^#.*:@:' -e 's#000000#0#g' -e 's#FFFFFF#F#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-1.txt | sed -e :a -e 'N;s#\n##;s#^@##;/@$/{s#@$##p;d}' -e 't a' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-2.txt | sed -f /var/helenos/ci/ocr.sed | sed '/../s#.*#?#' | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-3.txt | paste -sd '' | fold -w 80 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-4.txt | head -n 30 | tee tmp-vm-python/tmp-default-screen-term.txt [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured text: [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26 [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Running on ppc32 (terminal/43) [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Welcome to HelenOS! [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | http://www.helenos.org/ [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips. [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | / # cchec -tesa_ [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,756 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] | [2024-03-29 03:37:11,757 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Captured lines: ['HelenOS release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 522eecf2e', 'Built on 2024-03-29 01:36:26', 'Running on ppc32 (terminal/43)', 'Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project', '', 'Welcome to HelenOS!', 'http://www.helenos.org/', '', "Type 'help' [Enter] to see a few survival tips.", '', '/ # cchec -tesa_', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] [2024-03-29 03:37:13,757 rtr-vterm-type DEBUG] timed-out, n=30, "Failed to type command" [2024-03-29 03:37:13,757 main ERROR] Scenario aborted: Failed to type command Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/helenos/ci/test-in-vm.py", line 194, in t.run() File "/var/helenos/ci/htest/tasks.py", line 138, in run for xxx in retries(timeout=60, interval=2, name="vterm-type", message="Failed to type command"): File "/var/helenos/ci/htest/utils.py", line 60, in retries raise Exception(message) Exception: Failed to type command [2024-03-29 03:37:13,758 QEMU-ppc32 DEBUG] Sending command 'quit' Scenario aborted: Failed to type command