HelenOS sources
TPRINTF 33 kernel/test/debug/mips1.c TPRINTF("If kconsole is compiled in, you should enter debug mode now.\n");
TPRINTF 57 kernel/test/mm/falloc1.c TPRINTF("Allocating %zu frames blocks (%zu bytes) ... ",
TPRINTF 66 kernel/test/mm/falloc1.c TPRINTF("done. ");
TPRINTF 71 kernel/test/mm/falloc1.c TPRINTF("%d blocks allocated.\n", allocated);
TPRINTF 79 kernel/test/mm/falloc1.c TPRINTF("Deallocating ... ");
TPRINTF 84 kernel/test/mm/falloc1.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 54 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " (cpu%u): "
TPRINTF 64 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " (cpu%u): "
TPRINTF 78 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " (cpu%u): "
TPRINTF 81 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " (cpu%u): "
TPRINTF 87 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " (cpu%u): "
TPRINTF 98 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " (cpu%u): "
TPRINTF 106 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " (cpu%u): Exiting\n",
TPRINTF 120 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Could not create thread %u\n", i);
TPRINTF 131 kernel/test/mm/falloc2.c TPRINTF("Threads left: %u\n", THREADS - i - 1);
TPRINTF 45 kernel/test/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Virtual address %p mapped to physical address %p.\n",
TPRINTF 50 kernel/test/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Virtual address %p mapped to physical address %p.\n",
TPRINTF 54 kernel/test/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Writing magic using the first virtual address.\n");
TPRINTF 58 kernel/test/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Reading magic using the second virtual address.\n");
TPRINTF 69 kernel/test/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Writing zero using the second virtual address.\n");
TPRINTF 73 kernel/test/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Reading zero using the first virtual address.\n");
TPRINTF 44 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Creating cache, object size: %d.\n", size);
TPRINTF 49 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Allocating %d items...", count);
TPRINTF 57 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 59 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Freeing %d items...", count);
TPRINTF 64 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 66 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Allocating %d items...", count);
TPRINTF 74 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 76 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Freeing %d items...", count / 2);
TPRINTF 81 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 83 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Allocating %d items...", count / 2);
TPRINTF 91 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 93 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Freeing %d items...", count);
TPRINTF 98 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 102 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Test complete.\n");
TPRINTF 129 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Starting thread #%" PRIu64 "...\n", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 142 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " finished\n", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 158 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Could not create thread %d\n", i);
TPRINTF 169 kernel/test/mm/slab1.c TPRINTF("Test complete.\n");
TPRINTF 56 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Allocating...");
TPRINTF 77 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 79 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Deallocating cache2...");
TPRINTF 88 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 90 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Allocating to cache1...\n");
TPRINTF 95 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Incorrect memory size - use another test.");
TPRINTF 111 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Deallocating cache1...");
TPRINTF 119 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("done.\n");
TPRINTF 142 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Starting thread #%" PRIu64 "...\n", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 145 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " allocating...\n", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 156 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " releasing...\n", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 165 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " allocating...\n", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 176 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " releasing...\n", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 185 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Thread #%" PRIu64 " finished\n", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 198 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Running stress test with size %d\n", size);
TPRINTF 213 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Could not create thread %d\n", i);
TPRINTF 226 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Stress test complete.\n");
TPRINTF 231 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Running reclaim single-thread test .. pass 1\n");
TPRINTF 234 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Running reclaim single-thread test .. pass 2\n");
TPRINTF 237 kernel/test/mm/slab2.c TPRINTF("Reclaim test OK.\n");
TPRINTF 34 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%*.*s\", 5, 3, \"text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 35 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \" tex\"\n");
TPRINTF 36 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%*.*s\"\n\n", 5, 3, "text");
TPRINTF 38 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%10.8s\", \"very long text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 39 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \" very lon\"\n");
TPRINTF 40 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%10.8s\"\n\n", "very long text");
TPRINTF 42 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%8.10s\", \"text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 43 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \" text\"\n");
TPRINTF 44 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%8.10s\"\n\n", "text");
TPRINTF 46 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%8.10s\", \"very long text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 47 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \"very long \"\n");
TPRINTF 48 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%8.10s\"\n\n", "very long text");
TPRINTF 50 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%-*.*s\", 7, 7, \"text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 51 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \"text \"\n");
TPRINTF 52 kernel/test/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%-*.*s\"\n\n", 7, 7, "text");
TPRINTF 35 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%c\", 'a'):\n");
TPRINTF 36 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [a]\n");
TPRINTF 37 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%c]\n\n", 'a');
TPRINTF 39 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%d %%3.2d %%-3.2d %%2.3d %%-2.3d\", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):\n");
TPRINTF 40 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [1] [ 02] [03 ] [004] [005]\n");
TPRINTF 41 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%d] [%3.2d] [%-3.2d] [%2.3d] [%-2.3d]\n\n", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
TPRINTF 43 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%d %%3.2d %%-3.2d %%2.3d %%-2.3d\", -1, -2, -3, -4, -5):\n");
TPRINTF 44 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [-1] [-02] [-03] [-004] [-005]\n");
TPRINTF 45 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%d] [%3.2d] [%-3.2d] [%2.3d] [%-2.3d]\n\n", -1, -2, -3, -4, -5);
TPRINTF 47 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%lld %%3.2lld %%-3.2lld %%2.3lld %%-2.3lld\", (long long) -1, (long long) -2, (long long) -3, (long long) -4, (long long) -5):\n");
TPRINTF 48 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [-1] [-02] [-03] [-004] [-005]\n");
TPRINTF 49 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%lld] [%3.2lld] [%-3.2lld] [%2.3lld] [%-2.3lld]\n\n", (long long) -1, (long long) -2, (long long) -3, (long long) -4, (long long) -5);
TPRINTF 51 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%#x %%5.3#x %%-5.3#x %%3.5#x %%-3.5#x\", 17, 18, 19, 20, 21):\n");
TPRINTF 52 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [0x11] [0x012] [0x013] [0x00014] [0x00015]\n");
TPRINTF 53 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%#x] [%#5.3x] [%#-5.3x] [%#3.5x] [%#-3.5x]\n\n", 17, 18, 19, 20, 21);
TPRINTF 60 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%td %%tu %%tx %%ti %%to\", d, neg_d, neg_d, d, neg_d):\n");
TPRINTF 61 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [-12] [12] [c] [-12] [14]\n");
TPRINTF 62 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%td] [%tu] [%tx] [%ti] [%to]\n\n", d, neg_d, neg_d, d, neg_d);
TPRINTF 66 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%#" PRIx64 " %%#" PRIx32 " %%#" PRIx16 " %%#" PRIx8 " %%#" PRIxn " %%#" PRIx64 " %%s\", (uint64_t) UINT64_C(0x1234567887654321), (uint32_t) UINT32_C(0x12345678), (uint16_t) UINT16_C(0x1234), (uint8_t) UINT8_C(0x12), nat, (uint64_t) UINT64_C(0x1234567887654321), \"Lovely string\"):\n");
TPRINTF 67 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [0x1234567887654321] [0x12345678] [0x1234] [0x12] [0x12345678] [0x1234567887654321] \"Lovely string\"\n");
TPRINTF 68 kernel/test/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%#" PRIx64 "] [%#" PRIx32 "] [%#" PRIx16 "] [%#" PRIx8 "] [%#" PRIxn "] [%#" PRIx64 "] \"%s\"\n\n", (uint64_t) UINT64_C(0x1234567887654321), (uint32_t) UINT32_C(0x12345678), (uint16_t) UINT16_C(0x1234), (uint8_t) UINT8_C(0x12), nat, (uint64_t) UINT64_C(0x1234567887654321), "Lovely string");
TPRINTF 40 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Testing snprintf(buffer, " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) ", \"Short text without parameters.\"):\n");
TPRINTF 41 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Expected result: retval=30 buffer=\"Short text without parameters.\"\n");
TPRINTF 43 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Real result: retval=%d buffer=\"%s\"\n\n", retval, buffer);
TPRINTF 45 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Testing snprintf(buffer, " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) ", \"Very very very long text without parameters.\"):\n");
TPRINTF 46 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Expected result: retval=44 buffer=\"Very very very long text withou\"\n");
TPRINTF 48 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Real result: retval=%d buffer=\"%s\"\n\n", retval, buffer);
TPRINTF 50 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Testing snprintf(buffer, " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) ", \"Short %%s.\", \"text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 51 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Expected result: retval=11 buffer=\"Short text.\"\n");
TPRINTF 53 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Real result: retval=%d buffer=\"%s\"\n\n", retval, buffer);
TPRINTF 55 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Testing snprintf(buffer, " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) ", \"Very long %%s. This text's length is more than %%d. We are interested in the result.\", \"text\", " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) "):\n");
TPRINTF 56 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Expected result: retval=84 buffer=\"Very long text. This text's len\"\n");
TPRINTF 58 kernel/test/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Real result: retval=%d buffer=\"%s\"\n\n", retval, buffer);
TPRINTF 35 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("ASCII printable characters (32 - 127) using printf(\"%%c\") and printf(\"%%lc\"):\n");
TPRINTF 39 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%#x: ", group << 5);
TPRINTF 43 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%c", (char) ((group << 5) + index));
TPRINTF 45 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF(" ");
TPRINTF 47 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%lc", (wint_t) ((group << 5) + index));
TPRINTF 49 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\n");
TPRINTF 52 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\nExtended ASCII characters (128 - 255) using printf(\"%%lc\"):\n");
TPRINTF 55 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%#x: ", group << 5);
TPRINTF 59 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%lc", (wint_t) ((group << 5) + index));
TPRINTF 61 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\n");
TPRINTF 64 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\nUTF-8 strings using printf(\"%%s\"):\n");
TPRINTF 65 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("English: %s\n", "Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
TPRINTF 66 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Czech: %s\n", "Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy");
TPRINTF 67 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Greek: %s\n", "Ὦ ξεῖν’, ἀγγέλλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις ὅτι τῇδε");
TPRINTF 68 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Hebrew: %s\n", "משוואת ברנולי היא משוואה בהידרודינמיקה");
TPRINTF 69 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Arabic: %s\n", "التوزيع الجغرافي للحمل العنقودي");
TPRINTF 70 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Russian: %s\n", "Леннон познакомился с художницей-авангардисткой");
TPRINTF 71 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Armenian: %s\n", "Սկսեց հրատարակվել Երուսաղեմի հայկական");
TPRINTF 73 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\nUTF-32 strings using printf(\"%%ls\"):\n");
TPRINTF 74 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("English: %ls\n", L"Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
TPRINTF 75 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Czech: %ls\n", L"Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy");
TPRINTF 76 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Greek: %ls\n", L"Ὦ ξεῖν’, ἀγγέλλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις ὅτι τῇδε");
TPRINTF 77 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Hebrew: %ls\n", L"משוואת ברנולי היא משוואה בהידרודינמיקה");
TPRINTF 78 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Arabic: %ls\n", L"التوزيع الجغرافي للحمل العنقودي");
TPRINTF 79 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Russian: %ls\n", L"Леннон познакомился с художницей-авангардисткой");
TPRINTF 80 kernel/test/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Armenian: %ls\n", L"Սկսեց հրատարակվել Երուսաղեմի հայկական");
TPRINTF 46 kernel/test/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%s\", NULL):\n");
TPRINTF 47 kernel/test/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \"(NULL)\"\n");
TPRINTF 48 kernel/test/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%s\"\n\n", (char *) NULL);
TPRINTF 50 kernel/test/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%c %%3.2c %%-3.2c %%2.3c %%-2.3c\", 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'):\n");
TPRINTF 51 kernel/test/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [a] [ b] [c ] [ d] [e ]\n");
TPRINTF 52 kernel/test/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%c] [%3.2c] [%-3.2c] [%2.3c] [%-2.3c]\n\n", 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e');
TPRINTF 84 kernel/test/synch/semaphore1.c TPRINTF("Creating %zu consumers and %zu producers...",
TPRINTF 95 kernel/test/synch/semaphore1.c TPRINTF("could not create consumer %d\n", i);
TPRINTF 105 kernel/test/synch/semaphore1.c TPRINTF("could not create producer %d\n", i);
TPRINTF 110 kernel/test/synch/semaphore1.c TPRINTF("ok\n");
TPRINTF 116 kernel/test/synch/semaphore1.c TPRINTF("%zu consumers remaining, %zu producers remaining\n",
TPRINTF 66 kernel/test/synch/semaphore2.c TPRINTF("cpu%u, tid %" PRIu64 " down+ (%d)\n", CPU->id, THREAD->tid, to);
TPRINTF 69 kernel/test/synch/semaphore2.c TPRINTF("cpu%u, tid %" PRIu64 " down!\n", CPU->id, THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 73 kernel/test/synch/semaphore2.c TPRINTF("cpu%u, tid %" PRIu64 " down=\n", CPU->id, THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 77 kernel/test/synch/semaphore2.c TPRINTF("cpu%u, tid %" PRIu64 " up\n", CPU->id, THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 90 kernel/test/synch/semaphore2.c TPRINTF("Creating %" PRIu32 " consumers\n", k);
TPRINTF 98 kernel/test/synch/semaphore2.c TPRINTF("Error creating thread\n");
TPRINTF 44 kernel/test/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("%" PRIu64 " ", THREAD->tid);
TPRINTF 62 kernel/test/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("Could not create thread %d\n", i);
TPRINTF 67 kernel/test/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("Running threads for 10 seconds...\n");
TPRINTF 76 kernel/test/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("Threads left: %d\n", THREADS - i - 1);
TPRINTF 51 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Test small transfer character device operations\n");
TPRINTF 76 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Sent %zu bytes\n", nbytes);
TPRINTF 86 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Received %zu bytes\n", nbytes);
TPRINTF 91 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Done\n");
TPRINTF 104 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Test large transfer character device operations\n");
TPRINTF 129 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Sent %zu bytes\n", nbytes);
TPRINTF 139 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Received %zu bytes\n", nbytes);
TPRINTF 144 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Done\n");
TPRINTF 157 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Test partially-successful character device operations\n");
TPRINTF 182 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Sent %zu bytes and got rc = %s (expected)\n", nbytes,
TPRINTF 193 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Received %zu bytes and got rc = %s (expected)\n", nbytes,
TPRINTF 199 uspace/app/tester/chardev/chardev1.c TPRINTF("Done\n");
TPRINTF 78 uspace/app/tester/float/float1.c TPRINTF("Creating threads");
TPRINTF 82 uspace/app/tester/float/float1.c TPRINTF("\nCould not create thread %u\n", i);
TPRINTF 88 uspace/app/tester/float/float1.c TPRINTF(".");
TPRINTF 92 uspace/app/tester/float/float1.c TPRINTF("\n");
TPRINTF 95 uspace/app/tester/float/float1.c TPRINTF("Threads left: %d\n", total - i);
TPRINTF 103 uspace/app/tester/float/float2.c TPRINTF("Double precision cos failed "
TPRINTF 113 uspace/app/tester/float/float2.c TPRINTF("Single precision cos failed "
TPRINTF 123 uspace/app/tester/float/float2.c TPRINTF("Double precision sin failed "
TPRINTF 133 uspace/app/tester/float/float2.c TPRINTF("Single precision sin failed "
TPRINTF 143 uspace/app/tester/float/float2.c TPRINTF("Double precision trunc failed "
TPRINTF 153 uspace/app/tester/float/float2.c TPRINTF("Single precision trunc failed "
TPRINTF 132 uspace/app/tester/hw/serial/serial1.c TPRINTF("Trying reading %zu characters from serial device "
TPRINTF 162 uspace/app/tester/hw/serial/serial1.c TPRINTF("Read %zd bytes\n", nread);
TPRINTF 193 uspace/app/tester/hw/serial/serial1.c TPRINTF("Written %zd bytes\n", nwritten);
TPRINTF 198 uspace/app/tester/hw/serial/serial1.c TPRINTF("Trying to write EOT banner to the serial device\n");
TPRINTF 66 uspace/app/tester/ipc/readwrite.c TPRINTF("Successfully wrote zeroes to remote buffer.\n");
TPRINTF 81 uspace/app/tester/ipc/readwrite.c TPRINTF("Successfully read back remote buffer.\n");
TPRINTF 89 uspace/app/tester/ipc/readwrite.c TPRINTF("Read data succeeded verification.\n");
TPRINTF 99 uspace/app/tester/ipc/readwrite.c TPRINTF("Successfully wrote binary ones to remote buffer.\n");
TPRINTF 114 uspace/app/tester/ipc/readwrite.c TPRINTF("Successfully read back remote buffer.\n");
TPRINTF 122 uspace/app/tester/ipc/readwrite.c TPRINTF("Read data succeeded verification.\n");
TPRINTF 58 uspace/app/tester/ipc/sharein.c TPRINTF("Successfully shared in read-only area.\n");
TPRINTF 59 uspace/app/tester/ipc/sharein.c TPRINTF("Byte from shared read-only area: 0x%02x\n",
TPRINTF 72 uspace/app/tester/ipc/sharein.c TPRINTF("Successfully shared in read-write area.\n");
TPRINTF 73 uspace/app/tester/ipc/sharein.c TPRINTF("Byte from shared read-write area: 0x%02x\n",
TPRINTF 48 uspace/app/tester/ipc/starve.c TPRINTF("Intensive computation shall be imagined (for %ds)...\n", DURATION_SECS);
TPRINTF 49 uspace/app/tester/ipc/starve.c TPRINTF("Press a key to terminate prematurely...\n");
TPRINTF 62 uspace/app/tester/ipc/starve.c TPRINTF("Key %d pressed, terminating.\n", ev.ev.key.key);
TPRINTF 66 uspace/app/tester/ipc/starve.c TPRINTF("Got rc=%d, terminating.\n", rc);
TPRINTF 76 uspace/app/tester/ipc/starve.c TPRINTF("Terminating...\n");
TPRINTF 35 uspace/app/tester/loop/loop1.c TPRINTF("Looping...");
TPRINTF 38 uspace/app/tester/loop/loop1.c TPRINTF("\n");
TPRINTF 141 uspace/app/tester/mm/common.c TPRINTF("\nError: Heap inconsistency at %p in %s.\n",
TPRINTF 172 uspace/app/tester/mm/common.c TPRINTF("\nError: Allocated block overlaps with another "
TPRINTF 291 uspace/app/tester/mm/common.c TPRINTF("\nError: Corrupted content of a data block.\n");
TPRINTF 315 uspace/app/tester/mm/common.c TPRINTF("\nError: Corrupted list of allocated memory blocks.\n");
TPRINTF 236 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF("F(A)");
TPRINTF 242 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF("A");
TPRINTF 250 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF("F(R)");
TPRINTF 256 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF("R");
TPRINTF 266 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF("\n.. finished.\n");
TPRINTF 274 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF(".. Sub-phase %u (%s)\n", subno + 1, subphase->name);
TPRINTF 288 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF("Entering phase %u (%s)\n", phaseno + 1, phase->name);
TPRINTF 294 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF("Phase finished.\n");
TPRINTF 297 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc1.c TPRINTF("Cleaning up.\n");
TPRINTF 39 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc2.c TPRINTF("Provoking the kernel into overcommitting memory to us...\n");
TPRINTF 41 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc2.c TPRINTF("%dM ", ++cnt);
TPRINTF 44 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc2.c TPRINTF("\nWas refused more memory as expected.\n");
TPRINTF 228 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("F(A)");
TPRINTF 234 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("A");
TPRINTF 243 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("*");
TPRINTF 247 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("F(*)");
TPRINTF 254 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("F(R)");
TPRINTF 260 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("R");
TPRINTF 270 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("\n.. finished.\n");
TPRINTF 278 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF(".. Sub-phase %u (%s)\n", subno + 1, subphase->name);
TPRINTF 292 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("Entering phase %u (%s)\n", phaseno + 1, phase->name);
TPRINTF 298 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("Phase finished.\n");
TPRINTF 301 uspace/app/tester/mm/malloc3.c TPRINTF("Cleaning up.\n");
TPRINTF 42 uspace/app/tester/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Creating AS area...\n");
TPRINTF 54 uspace/app/tester/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Touching (faulting-in) AS area...\n");
TPRINTF 71 uspace/app/tester/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("Verifying mapping (expected: %s).\n", expected_rc_str);
TPRINTF 78 uspace/app/tester/mm/mapping1.c TPRINTF("as_get_physical_mapping() = %s != %s\n",
TPRINTF 49 uspace/app/tester/mm/pager1.c TPRINTF("Creating temporary file...\n");
TPRINTF 65 uspace/app/tester/mm/pager1.c TPRINTF("Connecting to VFS pager...\n");
TPRINTF 75 uspace/app/tester/mm/pager1.c TPRINTF("Creating AS area...\n");
TPRINTF 89 uspace/app/tester/mm/pager1.c TPRINTF("Touching (faulting-in) AS area...\n");
TPRINTF 35 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%*.*s\", 5, 3, \"text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 36 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \" tex\"\n");
TPRINTF 37 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%*.*s\"\n\n", 5, 3, "text");
TPRINTF 39 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%10.8s\", \"very long text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 40 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \" very lon\"\n");
TPRINTF 41 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%10.8s\"\n\n", "very long text");
TPRINTF 43 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%8.10s\", \"text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 44 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \" text\"\n");
TPRINTF 45 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%8.10s\"\n\n", "text");
TPRINTF 47 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%8.10s\", \"very long text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 48 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \"very long \"\n");
TPRINTF 49 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%8.10s\"\n\n", "very long text");
TPRINTF 51 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%-*.*s\", 7, 7, \"text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 52 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \"text \"\n");
TPRINTF 53 uspace/app/tester/print/print1.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%-*.*s\"\n\n", 7, 7, "text");
TPRINTF 35 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%c\", 'a'):\n");
TPRINTF 36 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [a]\n");
TPRINTF 37 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%c]\n\n", 'a');
TPRINTF 39 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%d %%3.2d %%-3.2d %%2.3d %%-2.3d\", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):\n");
TPRINTF 40 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [1] [ 02] [03 ] [004] [005]\n");
TPRINTF 41 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%d] [%3.2d] [%-3.2d] [%2.3d] [%-2.3d]\n\n", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
TPRINTF 43 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%d %%3.2d %%-3.2d %%2.3d %%-2.3d\", -1, -2, -3, -4, -5):\n");
TPRINTF 44 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [-1] [-02] [-03] [-004] [-005]\n");
TPRINTF 45 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%d] [%3.2d] [%-3.2d] [%2.3d] [%-2.3d]\n\n", -1, -2, -3, -4, -5);
TPRINTF 47 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%lld %%3.2lld %%-3.2lld %%2.3lld %%-2.3lld\", (long long) -1, (long long) -2, (long long) -3, (long long) -4, (long long) -5):\n");
TPRINTF 48 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [-1] [-02] [-03] [-004] [-005]\n");
TPRINTF 49 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%lld] [%3.2lld] [%-3.2lld] [%2.3lld] [%-2.3lld]\n\n", (long long) -1, (long long) -2, (long long) -3, (long long) -4, (long long) -5);
TPRINTF 51 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%#x %%5.3#x %%-5.3#x %%3.5#x %%-3.5#x\", 17, 18, 19, 20, 21):\n");
TPRINTF 52 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [0x11] [0x012] [0x013] [0x00014] [0x00015]\n");
TPRINTF 53 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%#x] [%#5.3x] [%#-5.3x] [%#3.5x] [%#-3.5x]\n\n", 17, 18, 19, 20, 21);
TPRINTF 60 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%td %%tu %%tx %%ti %%to\", d, neg_d, neg_d, d, neg_d):\n");
TPRINTF 61 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [-12] [12] [c] [-12] [14]\n");
TPRINTF 62 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%td] [%tu] [%tx] [%ti] [%to]\n\n", d, neg_d, neg_d, d, neg_d);
TPRINTF 64 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%lf\", 768.0):\n");
TPRINTF 65 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [768.000000]\n");
TPRINTF 66 uspace/app/tester/print/print2.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%lf]\n", 768.0);
TPRINTF 45 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Testing snprintf(buffer, " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) ", \"Short text without parameters.\"):\n");
TPRINTF 46 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Expected result: retval=30 buffer=\"Short text without parameters.\"\n");
TPRINTF 48 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Real result: retval=%d buffer=\"%s\"\n\n", retval, buffer);
TPRINTF 50 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Testing snprintf(buffer, " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) ", \"Very very very long text without parameters.\"):\n");
TPRINTF 51 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Expected result: retval=44 buffer=\"Very very very long text withou\"\n");
TPRINTF 53 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Real result: retval=%d buffer=\"%s\"\n\n", retval, buffer);
TPRINTF 55 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Testing snprintf(buffer, " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) ", \"Short %%s.\", \"text\"):\n");
TPRINTF 56 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Expected result: retval=11 buffer=\"Short text.\"\n");
TPRINTF 58 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Real result: retval=%d buffer=\"%s\"\n\n", retval, buffer);
TPRINTF 60 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Testing snprintf(buffer, " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) ", \"Very long %%s. This text's length is more than %%d. We are interested in the result.\", \"text\", " STRING(BUFFER_SIZE) "):\n");
TPRINTF 61 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Expected result: retval=84 buffer=\"Very long text. This text's len\"\n");
TPRINTF 63 uspace/app/tester/print/print3.c TPRINTF("Real result: retval=%d buffer=\"%s\"\n\n", retval, buffer);
TPRINTF 38 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("ASCII printable characters (32 - 127) using printf(\"%%c\") and printf(\"%%lc\"):\n");
TPRINTF 42 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%#x: ", group << 5);
TPRINTF 46 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%c", (char) ((group << 5) + index));
TPRINTF 48 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF(" ");
TPRINTF 50 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%lc", (wint_t) ((group << 5) + index));
TPRINTF 52 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\n");
TPRINTF 65 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\nCode page 437 characters (converted to Unicode):\n");
TPRINTF 68 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%#x: ", group << 5);
TPRINTF 72 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("%lc", cp437_decode((group << 5) + index));
TPRINTF 74 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\n");
TPRINTF 77 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\nUTF-8 strings using printf(\"%%s\"):\n");
TPRINTF 78 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("English: %s\n", "Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
TPRINTF 79 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Czech: %s\n", "Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy");
TPRINTF 80 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Greek: %s\n", "Ὦ ξεῖν’, ἀγγέλλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις ὅτι τῇδε");
TPRINTF 81 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Hebrew: %s\n", "משוואת ברנולי היא משוואה בהידרודינמיקה");
TPRINTF 82 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Arabic: %s\n", "التوزيع الجغرافي للحمل العنقودي");
TPRINTF 83 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Russian: %s\n", "Леннон познакомился с художницей-авангардисткой");
TPRINTF 84 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Armenian: %s\n", "Սկսեց հրատարակվել Երուսաղեմի հայկական");
TPRINTF 86 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("\nUTF-32 strings using printf(\"%%ls\"):\n");
TPRINTF 87 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("English: %ls\n", L"Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
TPRINTF 88 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Czech: %ls\n", L"Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy");
TPRINTF 89 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Greek: %ls\n", L"Ὦ ξεῖν’, ἀγγέλλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις ὅτι τῇδε");
TPRINTF 90 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Hebrew: %ls\n", L"משוואת ברנולי היא משוואה בהידרודינמיקה");
TPRINTF 91 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Arabic: %ls\n", L"التوزيع الجغرافي للحمل العنقودي");
TPRINTF 92 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Russian: %ls\n", L"Леннон познакомился с художницей-авангардисткой");
TPRINTF 93 uspace/app/tester/print/print4.c TPRINTF("Armenian: %ls\n", L"Սկսեց հրատարակվել Երուսաղեմի հայկական");
TPRINTF 48 uspace/app/tester/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%s\", NULL):\n");
TPRINTF 49 uspace/app/tester/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Expected output: \"(NULL)\"\n");
TPRINTF 50 uspace/app/tester/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Real output: \"%s\"\n\n", (char *) NULL);
TPRINTF 52 uspace/app/tester/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Testing printf(\"%%c %%3.2c %%-3.2c %%2.3c %%-2.3c\", 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'):\n");
TPRINTF 53 uspace/app/tester/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Expected output: [a] [ b] [c ] [ d] [e ]\n");
TPRINTF 54 uspace/app/tester/print/print5.c TPRINTF("Real output: [%c] [%3.2c] [%-3.2c] [%2.3c] [%-2.3c]\n\n", 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e');
TPRINTF 184 uspace/app/tester/print/print6.c TPRINTF("Test printing of floating point numbers via "
TPRINTF 192 uspace/app/tester/print/print6.c TPRINTF("ok: %s |%s| == |%s|\n",
TPRINTF 196 uspace/app/tester/print/print6.c TPRINTF("warn: %s |%s| != |%s|\n",
TPRINTF 200 uspace/app/tester/print/print6.c TPRINTF("ERR: %s |%s| != |%s|\n",
TPRINTF 41 uspace/app/tester/stdio/logger2.c TPRINTF("Alpha is %" PRIlogctx ".\n", log_alpha);
TPRINTF 42 uspace/app/tester/stdio/logger2.c TPRINTF("Bravo is %" PRIlogctx ".\n", log_bravo);
TPRINTF 45 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("Open file \"%s\"...", file_name);
TPRINTF 49 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("errno = %s\n", str_error_name(errno));
TPRINTF 52 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 54 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("Read file...");
TPRINTF 57 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("errno = %s\n", str_error_name(errno));
TPRINTF 61 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 64 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("Read %zu bytes, string \"%s\"\n", cnt, buf);
TPRINTF 66 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("Seek to beginning...");
TPRINTF 68 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("errno = %s\n", str_error_name(errno));
TPRINTF 72 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 74 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("Read using fgetc()...");
TPRINTF 80 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF(".");
TPRINTF 82 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("[EOF]\n");
TPRINTF 84 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("Close...");
TPRINTF 86 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("errno = %s\n", str_error_name(errno));
TPRINTF 89 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio1.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 41 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("Open file \"%s\" for writing...", file_name);
TPRINTF 45 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("errno = %s\n", str_error_name(errno));
TPRINTF 48 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 50 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("Write to file...");
TPRINTF 52 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 54 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("Close...");
TPRINTF 56 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("errno = %s\n", str_error_name(errno));
TPRINTF 59 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 61 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("Open file \"%s\" for reading...", file_name);
TPRINTF 64 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("errno = %s\n", str_error_name(errno));
TPRINTF 67 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 69 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("File contains:\n");
TPRINTF 74 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("%c", c);
TPRINTF 77 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("\nClose...");
TPRINTF 79 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("errno = %s\n", str_error_name(errno));
TPRINTF 82 uspace/app/tester/stdio/stdio2.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 40 uspace/app/tester/thread/deadlock.c TPRINTF("F2: Lock M2\n");
TPRINTF 43 uspace/app/tester/thread/deadlock.c TPRINTF("F2: Lock M1\n");
TPRINTF 45 uspace/app/tester/thread/deadlock.c TPRINTF("F2: Unlock M1, M2\n");
TPRINTF 58 uspace/app/tester/thread/deadlock.c TPRINTF("Creating fibril\n");
TPRINTF 61 uspace/app/tester/thread/deadlock.c TPRINTF("\nCould not create fibril.\n");
TPRINTF 67 uspace/app/tester/thread/deadlock.c TPRINTF("F1: Lock M1\n");
TPRINTF 70 uspace/app/tester/thread/deadlock.c TPRINTF("F1: Lock M2\n");
TPRINTF 73 uspace/app/tester/thread/deadlock.c TPRINTF("F1: Unlock M2, M1\n");
TPRINTF 39 uspace/app/tester/thread/setjmp1.c TPRINTF("Will do a long jump back to test_it().\n");
TPRINTF 47 uspace/app/tester/thread/setjmp1.c TPRINTF("Just after setjmp(), counter is %d.\n", counter);
TPRINTF 65 uspace/app/tester/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("Creating threads");
TPRINTF 69 uspace/app/tester/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("\nCould not create thread %u\n", i);
TPRINTF 73 uspace/app/tester/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF(".");
TPRINTF 77 uspace/app/tester/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("\nRunning threads for %u seconds...", DELAY);
TPRINTF 79 uspace/app/tester/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("\n");
TPRINTF 83 uspace/app/tester/thread/thread1.c TPRINTF("Threads left: %d\n", total - i);
TPRINTF 51 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Opening the root directory...");
TPRINTF 55 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("\n");
TPRINTF 58 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("OK\n");
TPRINTF 62 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF(" node \"%s\"\n", dp->d_name);
TPRINTF 75 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("rc=%s\n", str_error_name(rc));
TPRINTF 78 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Created directory %s\n", TEST_DIRECTORY);
TPRINTF 85 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Created file %s (fd=%d)\n", TEST_FILE, fd0);
TPRINTF 92 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Written %zd bytes\n", cnt);
TPRINTF 97 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("read..\n");
TPRINTF 99 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("read returns rc = %s, cnt = %zu\n", str_error_name(rc), cnt);
TPRINTF 106 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Read %zd bytes\n", cnt);
TPRINTF 108 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Read %zd bytes: \"%.*s\"\n", cnt, icnt, buf);
TPRINTF 120 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Renamed %s to %s\n", TEST_FILE, TEST_FILE2);
TPRINTF 124 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Unlinked %s\n", TEST_FILE2);
TPRINTF 128 uspace/app/tester/vfs/vfs1.c TPRINTF("Removed directory %s\n", TEST_DIRECTORY);
HelenOS homepage, sources at GitHub