HelenOS bootloader, release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 12dd36c50 Built on 2024-11-13 01:32:07 for arm32 Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project Boot loader: 0x00000000 -> 0x0000dd34 Memory statistics 0x0000d000|0x0000d000: bootstrap stack 0x00008000|0x00008000: bootstrap page table 0x0000d830|0x0000d830: boot info structure 0x80a00000|0x00a00000: kernel entry point Boot loader: 0x00000000 -> 0x0000dd34 Payload: 0x0000dd34 -> 0x0022c534 Kernel load address: 0x00a00000 Kernel start: 0x80a00000 RAM end: 0x01a00000 (16777216 bytes available) Inflating components ... 0x80a00000|0x00a00000: kernel.elf.gz image (461396/139365 bytes) 0x80a71000|0x00a71000: kernel.dbg.gz image (477484/179298 bytes) 0x80ae6000|0x00ae6000: ns.gz image (105788/48540 bytes) 0x80b00000|0x00b00000: loader.gz image (114152/52807 bytes) 0x80b1c000|0x00b1c000: init.gz image (128960/58705 bytes) 0x80b3c000|0x00b3c000: locsrv.gz image (122532/55923 bytes) 0x80b5a000|0x00b5a000: rd.gz image (110484/50917 bytes) 0x80b75000|0x00b75000: vfs.gz image (136516/62017 bytes) 0x80b97000|0x00b97000: logger.gz image (118120/54148 bytes) 0x80bb4000|0x00bb4000: ext4fs.gz image (172628/79212 bytes) 0x80bdf000|0x00bdf000: initrd.img.gz image (8388608/1427772 bytes) Done. Booting the kernel... SPARTAN kernel, release 0.14.1 (Aladar), revision 12dd36c50 Built on 2024-11-13 01:32:07 for arm32 Copyright (c) 2001-2024 HelenOS project Detected 1 CPU(s), 262144 KiB free memory Detected VFPv2 Program loader at 0xc03bc000 Kernel console ready (press any key to activate) RAM disk at 0x00bdf000 (size 8388608 bytes) [init:vfs(6)] vfs: HelenOS V[init:logger(7)] logger: HelenOS Logging Service [init:ext4fs(8)] ext4fs: HelenOS ext4 file system server [init:ns(2)] ns: HelenOS IPC Naming Service [init:ns(2)] ns: Accepting connections [init:init(3)] init: HelenOS init [init:locsrv(4)] loc: HelenOS Location Service [init:rd(5)] rd: HelenOS RAM disk server [init:rd(5)] rd: Found RAM disk at 0x00bdf000, 8388608 bytes FS server [init:logger(7)] logger: Accepting connections [init:vfs(6)] vfs: Accepting connections [init:locsrv(4)] loc: Accepting connections [init:ext4fs(8)] ext4fs: Accepting connections [init:rd(5)] rd: Accepting connections [init:init(3)] init: Root file system mounted on / (ext4fs at bd/initrd) [init:init(3)] init: Starting /srv/system [/srv/system(9)] system: HelenOS system server [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/fs/tmpfs [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/fs/exfat [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/fs/fat [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/fs/cdfs [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/fs/mfs [/srv/system(9)] system: Starting /srv/klog [/srv/system(9)] system: Starting /srv/fs/locfs [kernel/other] note: Program loader at 0xc03bc000 [kernel/other] note: RAM disk at 0x00bdf000 (size 8388608 bytes) kconsole> [/srv/fs/locfs(11)] locfs: HelenOS Device Filesystem [/srv/fs/locfs(11)] locfs: Accepting connections [/srv/system(9)] system: Location service file system mounted on /loc (locfs) [/srv/system(9)] system: Temporary file system not mounted on /tmp ([ENOFS] No such file system type) [/srv/system(9)] system: Starting /srv/devman [/srv/devman(12)] devman: HelenOS Device Manager [/srv/devman(12)] devman: Accepting connections. [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/hid/s3c24xx_uart [/drv/root/root(13)] roo[/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/hid/s3c24xx_ts [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/bd/vbd [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/volsrv [/srv/system(9)] Error contacting volume service. t: HelenOS root device driver [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/taskmon [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/net/loopip [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/net/ethip[devman] note: The `root' driver was successfully registered as running. [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/net/dhcp [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/net/inetsrv [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/net/tcp [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/net/udp [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/net/dnsrsrv [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/clipboard [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/hid/remcons [/srv/system(9)] system: Starting /srv/hid/input [/drv/virt/virt(14)] virt: HelenOS virtual devices root driver [/drv/icp/icp(15)] icp: HelenOS IntegratorCP platform driver [/srv/hid/input(16)] input: HelenOS input service [devman] note: The `virt' driver was successfully registered as running. [/srv/hid/input(16)] input: Accepting connections [devman] note: The `icp' driver was successfully registered as running. [/srv/system(9)] system: Starting /srv/hid/output [icp] note: icp_dev_add, device handle = 6 [virt] note: Registered child device `kfb' [icp] note: Adding function 'intctl'. [icp] note: Adding function 'kbd'. [icp] note: Adding function 'mouse'. [/srv/hid/output(17)] output: HelenOS output service [/srv/hid/output(17)] output: Accepting connections [/srv/system(9)] system: Unable to stat /srv/audio/hound [/srv/system(9)] system: Starting /srv/hid/display [/drv/kfb/kfb(18)] kfb: HelenOS kernel framebuffer driver [devman] note: The `kfb' driver was successfully registered as running. [devman] note: Function `/virt/kfb/kfb' added to category `display-device'. [/drv/kfb/kfb(18)] kfb: Accepting connections [/drv/icp-ic/icp-ic(19)] icp-ic: IntegratorCP Interrupt Controller driver [devman] note: The `icp-ic' driver was successfully registered as running. [devman] note: Function `/hw/intctl/a' added to category `irc'. [/drv/pl050/pl050(20)] pl050: HelenOS pl050 serial device driver [devman] note: The `pl050' driver was successfully registered as running. [icp-ic] note: Enable IRQ 3 [icp-ic] note: Enable IRQ 4 [/srv/hid/display(21)] display: Display server [display] note: Starting with fresh configuration. [display] note: Added display device '32' [/srv/hid/display(21)] display: Accepting connections. [/srv/system(9)] system: Spawning /app/taskbar [/drv/ps2mouse/ps2mouse(23)] ps2mouse: HelenOS ps/2 mouse driver. [devman] note: The `ps2mouse' driver was successfully registered as running. [/drv/atkbd/atkbd(22)] atkbd: HelenOS AT keyboard driver. [devman] note: Function `/hw/mouse/a/mouse' added to category `mouse'. [devman] note: The `atkbd' driver was successfully registered as running. [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [devman] note: Function `/hw/kbd/a/kbd' added to category `keyboard'. [/srv/hid/input(16)] input: Connected mouse device 'devices/\hw\mouse\a\mouse' [pl050] note: kbd/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [/srv/hid/input(16)] input: Connected keyboard device 'devices/\hw\kbd\a\kbd' [pl050] note: kbd/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [atkbd] note: Controlling 'a' (18). [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [ps2mouse] note: Enabled IntelliMouse extensions [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [ps2mouse] note: Enabled 4th and 5th button. [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write(1 bytes) [pl050] note: mouse/pl050_write() success [ps2mouse] note: Controlling 'a' (20). [/app/taskbar(24)] Error loading start menu from '/w/cfg/taskbar.sif'. [/srv/system(9)] system: Spawning /app/terminal [/app/terminal(25)] off=4,26 [/app/terminal(25)] wparams.rect=0,648,0,510 [/srv/system(9)] system: Starting /srv/hid/console [/srv/hid/console(27)] console: HelenOS Console service [/srv/hid/console(27)] console: Accepting connections [/srv/system(9)] system: Spawning /app/getterm term/vc0 /loc --msg --wait -- /app/bdsh [/srv/system(9)] system: Spawning /app/getterm term/vc1 /loc --wait -- /app/bdsh [/srv/system(9)] system: Spawning /app/getterm term/vc2 /loc --wait -- /app/bdsh [/srv/system(9)] system: Spawning /app/getterm term/vc3 /loc --wait -- /app/bdsh [/srv/system(9)] system: Spawning /app/getterm term/vc4 /loc --wait -- /app/bdsh [/srv/system(9)] system: Spawning /app/getterm term/vc5 /loc --wait -- /app/bdsh [/srv/system(9)] system: Accepting connections.