HelenOS sources


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ext4_superblock_get_inodes_count
  2. ext4_superblock_set_inodes_count
  3. ext4_superblock_get_blocks_count
  4. ext4_superblock_set_blocks_count
  5. ext4_superblock_get_reserved_blocks_count
  6. ext4_superblock_set_reserved_blocks_count
  7. ext4_superblock_get_free_blocks_count
  8. ext4_superblock_set_free_blocks_count
  9. ext4_superblock_get_free_inodes_count
  10. ext4_superblock_set_free_inodes_count
  11. ext4_superblock_get_first_data_block
  12. ext4_superblock_set_first_data_block
  13. ext4_superblock_get_log_block_size
  14. ext4_superblock_set_log_block_size
  15. ext4_superblock_get_block_size
  16. ext4_superblock_set_block_size
  17. ext4_superblock_get_log_frag_size
  18. ext4_superblock_set_log_frag_size
  19. ext4_superblock_get_frag_size
  20. ext4_superblock_set_frag_size
  21. ext4_superblock_get_blocks_per_group
  22. ext4_superblock_set_blocks_per_group
  23. ext4_superblock_get_frags_per_group
  24. ext4_superblock_set_frags_per_group
  25. ext4_superblock_get_inodes_per_group
  26. ext4_superblock_set_inodes_per_group
  27. ext4_superblock_get_mount_time
  28. ext4_superblock_set_mount_time
  29. ext4_superblock_get_write_time
  30. ext4_superblock_set_write_time
  31. ext4_superblock_get_mount_count
  32. ext4_superblock_set_mount_count
  33. ext4_superblock_get_max_mount_count
  34. ext4_superblock_set_max_mount_count
  35. ext4_superblock_get_magic
  36. ext4_superblock_set_magic
  37. ext4_superblock_get_state
  38. ext4_superblock_set_state
  39. ext4_superblock_get_errors
  40. ext4_superblock_set_errors
  41. ext4_superblock_get_minor_rev_level
  42. ext4_superblock_set_minor_rev_level
  43. ext4_superblock_get_last_check_time
  44. ext4_superblock_set_last_check_time
  45. ext4_superblock_get_check_interval
  46. ext4_superblock_set_check_interval
  47. ext4_superblock_get_creator_os
  48. ext4_superblock_set_creator_os
  49. ext4_superblock_get_rev_level
  50. ext4_superblock_set_rev_level
  51. ext4_superblock_get_def_resuid
  52. ext4_superblock_set_def_resuid
  53. ext4_superblock_get_def_resgid
  54. ext4_superblock_set_def_resgid
  55. ext4_superblock_get_first_inode
  56. ext4_superblock_set_first_inode
  57. ext4_superblock_get_inode_size
  58. ext4_superblock_set_inode_size
  59. ext4_superblock_get_block_group_index
  60. ext4_superblock_set_block_group_index
  61. ext4_superblock_get_features_compatible
  62. ext4_superblock_set_features_compatible
  63. ext4_superblock_get_features_incompatible
  64. ext4_superblock_set_features_incompatible
  65. ext4_superblock_get_features_read_only
  66. ext4_superblock_set_features_read_only
  67. ext4_superblock_get_uuid
  68. ext4_superblock_set_uuid
  69. ext4_superblock_get_volume_name
  70. ext4_superblock_set_volume_name
  71. ext4_superblock_get_last_mounted
  72. ext4_superblock_set_last_mounted
  73. ext4_superblock_get_last_orphan
  74. ext4_superblock_set_last_orphan
  75. ext4_superblock_get_hash_seed
  76. ext4_superblock_set_hash_seed
  77. ext4_superblock_get_default_hash_version
  78. ext4_superblock_set_default_hash_version
  79. ext4_superblock_get_desc_size
  80. ext4_superblock_set_desc_size
  81. ext4_superblock_get_flags
  82. ext4_superblock_set_flags
  83. ext4_superblock_has_flag
  84. ext4_superblock_has_feature_compatible
  85. ext4_superblock_has_feature_incompatible
  86. ext4_superblock_has_feature_read_only
  87. ext4_superblock_read_direct
  88. ext4_superblock_write_direct
  89. ext4_superblock_release
  90. ext4_superblock_check_sanity
  91. ext4_superblock_get_block_group_count
  92. ext4_superblock_get_blocks_in_group
  93. ext4_superblock_get_inodes_in_group
  94. ext4_superblock_get_backup_groups_sparse2
  95. ext4_superblock_set_backup_groups_sparse2
  96. ext4_superblock_get_reserved_gdt_blocks
  97. ext4_superblock_set_reserved_gdt_blocks
  98. ext4_superblock_get_flex_group_size
  99. is_power_of
  100. ext4_superblock_get_group_backup_blocks
  101. ext4_superblock_create

 * Copyright (c) 2018 Jiri Svoboda
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Martin Sucha
 * Copyright (c) 2012 Frantisek Princ
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * - The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
 *   derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

/** @addtogroup libext4
 * @{

 * @file  superblock.c
 * @brief Ext4 superblock operations.

#include <align.h>
#include <block.h>
#include <byteorder.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <mem.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <str.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "ext4/cfg.h"
#include "ext4/superblock.h"

/** Get number of i-nodes in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Number of i-nodes
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_inodes_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->inodes_count);

/** Set number of i-nodes in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param count Number of i-nodes
void ext4_superblock_set_inodes_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t count)
        sb->inodes_count = host2uint32_t_le(count);

/** Get number of data blocks in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Number of data blocks
uint64_t ext4_superblock_get_blocks_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return ((uint64_t) uint32_t_le2host(sb->blocks_count_hi) << 32) |

/** Set number of data blocks in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param count Number of data blocks
void ext4_superblock_set_blocks_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint64_t count)
        sb->blocks_count_lo = host2uint32_t_le((count << 32) >> 32);
        sb->blocks_count_hi = host2uint32_t_le(count >> 32);

/** Get number of reserved data blocks in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Number of reserved data blocks
uint64_t ext4_superblock_get_reserved_blocks_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return ((uint64_t)
            uint32_t_le2host(sb->reserved_blocks_count_hi) << 32) |

/** Set number of reserved data blocks in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param count Number of reserved data blocks
void ext4_superblock_set_reserved_blocks_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint64_t count)
        sb->reserved_blocks_count_lo = host2uint32_t_le((count << 32) >> 32);
        sb->reserved_blocks_count_hi = host2uint32_t_le(count >> 32);

/** Get number of free data blocks in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Number of free data blocks
uint64_t ext4_superblock_get_free_blocks_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return ((uint64_t)
            uint32_t_le2host(sb->free_blocks_count_hi) << 32) |

/** Set number of free data blocks in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param count Number of free data blocks
void ext4_superblock_set_free_blocks_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint64_t count)
        sb->free_blocks_count_lo = host2uint32_t_le((count << 32) >> 32);
        sb->free_blocks_count_hi = host2uint32_t_le(count >> 32);

/** Get number of free i-nodes in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Number of free i-nodes
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_free_inodes_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->free_inodes_count);

/** Set number of free i-nodes in the whole filesystem.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param count Number of free i-nodes
void ext4_superblock_set_free_inodes_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t count)
        sb->free_inodes_count = host2uint32_t_le(count);

/** Get index of first data block (block where the superblock is located)
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Index of the first data block
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_first_data_block(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->first_data_block);

/** Set index of first data block (block where the superblock is located)
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param first Index of the first data block
void ext4_superblock_set_first_data_block(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t first)
        sb->first_data_block = host2uint32_t_le(first);

/** Get logarithmic block size (1024 << size == block_size)
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Logarithmic block size
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_log_block_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->log_block_size);

/** Set logarithmic block size (1024 << size == block_size)
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Logarithmic block size
void ext4_superblock_set_log_block_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t log_size)
        sb->log_block_size = host2uint32_t_le(log_size);

/** Get size of data block (in bytes).
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Size of data block
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_block_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return 1024 << ext4_superblock_get_log_block_size(sb);

/** Set size of data block (in bytes).
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param size Size of data block (must be power of 2, at least 1024)
void ext4_superblock_set_block_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t size)
        uint32_t log = 0;
        uint32_t tmp = size / EXT4_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;

        tmp >>= 1;
        while (tmp) {
                tmp >>= 1;

        ext4_superblock_set_log_block_size(sb, log);

/** Get logarithmic fragment size (1024 << size)
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Logarithmic fragment size
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_log_frag_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->log_frag_size);

/** Set logarithmic fragment size (1024 << size)
 * @param sb        Superblock
 * @param frag_size Logarithmic fragment size
void ext4_superblock_set_log_frag_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t frag_size)
        sb->log_frag_size = host2uint32_t_le(frag_size);

/** Get size of fragment (in bytes).
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Size of fragment
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_frag_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return 1024 << ext4_superblock_get_log_frag_size(sb);

/** Set size of fragment (in bytes).
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param size Size of fragment (must be power of 2, at least 1024)
void ext4_superblock_set_frag_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t size)
        uint32_t log = 0;
        uint32_t tmp = size / EXT4_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;

        tmp >>= 1;
        while (tmp) {
                tmp >>= 1;

        ext4_superblock_set_log_frag_size(sb, log);

/** Get number of data blocks per block group (except last BG)
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Data blocks per block group
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_blocks_per_group(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->blocks_per_group);

/** Set number of data blocks per block group (except last BG)
 * @param sb     Superblock
 * @param blocks Data blocks per block group
void ext4_superblock_set_blocks_per_group(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t blocks)
        sb->blocks_per_group = host2uint32_t_le(blocks);

/** Get number of fragments per block group (except last BG)
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Fragments per block group
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_frags_per_group(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->frags_per_group);

/** Set number of fragment per block group (except last BG)
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param frags Fragments per block group
void ext4_superblock_set_frags_per_group(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t frags)
        sb->frags_per_group = host2uint32_t_le(frags);

/** Get number of i-nodes per block group (except last BG)
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return I-nodes per block group
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_inodes_per_group(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->inodes_per_group);

/** Set number of i-nodes per block group (except last BG)
 * @param sb     Superblock
 * @param inodes I-nodes per block group
void ext4_superblock_set_inodes_per_group(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t inodes)
        sb->inodes_per_group = host2uint32_t_le(inodes);

/** Get time when filesystem was mounted (POSIX time).
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Mount time
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_mount_time(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->mount_time);

/** Set time when filesystem was mounted (POSIX time).
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param time Mount time
void ext4_superblock_set_mount_time(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t time)
        sb->mount_time = host2uint32_t_le(time);

/** Get time when filesystem was last accesed by write operation (POSIX time).
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Write time
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_write_time(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->write_time);

/** Set time when filesystem was last accesed by write operation (POSIX time).
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param time Write time
void ext4_superblock_set_write_time(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t time)
        sb->write_time = host2uint32_t_le(time);

/** Get number of mount from last filesystem check.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Number of mounts
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_mount_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->mount_count);

/** Set number of mount from last filesystem check.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param count Number of mounts
void ext4_superblock_set_mount_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t count)
        sb->mount_count = host2uint16_t_le(count);

/** Get maximum number of mount from last filesystem check.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Maximum number of mounts
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_max_mount_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->max_mount_count);

/** Set maximum number of mount from last filesystem check.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param count Maximum number of mounts
void ext4_superblock_set_max_mount_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t count)
        sb->max_mount_count = host2uint16_t_le(count);

/** Get superblock magic value.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Magic value
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_magic(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->magic);

/** Set superblock magic value.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param magic Magic value
void ext4_superblock_set_magic(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t magic)
        sb->magic = host2uint16_t_le(magic);

/** Get filesystem state.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Filesystem state
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_state(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->state);

/** Set filesystem state.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param state Filesystem state
void ext4_superblock_set_state(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t state)
        sb->state = host2uint16_t_le(state);

/** Get behavior code when errors detected.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Behavior code
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_errors(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->errors);

/** Set behavior code when errors detected.
 * @param sb     Superblock
 * @param errors Behavior code
void ext4_superblock_set_errors(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t errors)
        sb->errors = host2uint16_t_le(errors);

/** Get minor revision level of the filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Minor revision level
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_minor_rev_level(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->minor_rev_level);

/** Set minor revision level of the filesystem.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param level Minor revision level
void ext4_superblock_set_minor_rev_level(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t level)
        sb->minor_rev_level = host2uint16_t_le(level);

/** Get time of the last filesystem check.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Time of the last check (POSIX)
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_last_check_time(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->last_check_time);

/** Set time of the last filesystem check.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param time Time of the last check (POSIX)
void ext4_superblock_set_last_check_time(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t time)
        sb->last_check_time = host2uint32_t_le(time);

/** Get maximum time interval between two filesystem checks.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Time interval between two check (POSIX)
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_check_interval(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->check_interval);

/** Set maximum time interval between two filesystem checks.
 * @param sb       Superblock
 * @param interval Time interval between two check (POSIX)
void ext4_superblock_set_check_interval(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t interval)
        sb->check_interval = host2uint32_t_le(interval);

/** Get operation system identifier, on which the filesystem was created.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Operation system identifier
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_creator_os(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->creator_os);

/** Set operation system identifier, on which the filesystem was created.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @param os Operation system identifier
void ext4_superblock_set_creator_os(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t os)
        sb->creator_os = host2uint32_t_le(os);

/** Get revision level of the filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Revision level
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_rev_level(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->rev_level);

/** Set revision level of the filesystem.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param level Revision level
void ext4_superblock_set_rev_level(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t level)
        sb->rev_level = host2uint32_t_le(level);

/** Get default user id for reserved blocks.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Default user id for reserved blocks.
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_def_resuid(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->def_resuid);

/** Set default user id for reserved blocks.
 * @param sb  Superblock
 * @param uid Default user id for reserved blocks.
void ext4_superblock_set_def_resuid(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t uid)
        sb->def_resuid = host2uint16_t_le(uid);

/** Get default group id for reserved blocks.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Default group id for reserved blocks.
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_def_resgid(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->def_resgid);

/** Set default group id for reserved blocks.
 * @param sb  Superblock
 * @param gid Default group id for reserved blocks.
void ext4_superblock_set_def_resgid(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t gid)
        sb->def_resgid = host2uint16_t_le(gid);

/** Get index of the first i-node, which can be used for allocation.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return I-node index
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_first_inode(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        if (ext4_superblock_get_rev_level(sb) == 0)
                return EXT4_REV0_FIRST_INO;

        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->first_inode);

/** Set index of the first i-node, which can be used for allocation.
 * @param sb          Superblock
 * @param first_inode I-node index
void ext4_superblock_set_first_inode(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t first_inode)
        sb->first_inode = host2uint32_t_le(first_inode);

/** Get size of i-node structure.
 * For the oldest revision return constant number.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Size of i-node structure
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_inode_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        if (ext4_superblock_get_rev_level(sb) == 0)
                return EXT4_REV0_INODE_SIZE;

        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->inode_size);

/** Set size of i-node structure.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param size Size of i-node structure
void ext4_superblock_set_inode_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t size)
        sb->inode_size = host2uint16_t_le(size);

/** Get index of block group, where superblock copy is located.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Block group index
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_block_group_index(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint16_t_le2host(sb->block_group_index);

/** Set index of block group, where superblock copy is located.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param bgid Block group index
void ext4_superblock_set_block_group_index(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t bgid)
        sb->block_group_index = host2uint16_t_le(bgid);

/** Get compatible features supported by the filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Compatible features bitmap
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_features_compatible(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->features_compatible);

/** Set compatible features supported by the filesystem.
 * @param sb       Superblock
 * @param features Compatible features bitmap
void ext4_superblock_set_features_compatible(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t features)
        sb->features_compatible = host2uint32_t_le(features);

/** Get incompatible features supported by the filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Incompatible features bitmap
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_features_incompatible(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->features_incompatible);

/** Set incompatible features supported by the filesystem.
 * @param sb       Superblock
 * @param features Incompatible features bitmap
void ext4_superblock_set_features_incompatible(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t features)
        sb->features_incompatible = host2uint32_t_le(features);

/** Get compatible features supported by the filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Read-only compatible features bitmap
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_features_read_only(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->features_read_only);

/** Set compatible features supported by the filesystem.
 * @param sb      Superblock
 * @param feature Read-only compatible features bitmap
void ext4_superblock_set_features_read_only(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t features)
        sb->features_read_only = host2uint32_t_le(features);

/** Get UUID of the filesystem.
 * @param sb superblock
 * @return Pointer to UUID array
void ext4_superblock_get_uuid(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uuid_t *uuid)
        uuid_decode(sb->uuid, uuid);

/** Set UUID of the filesystem.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param uuid Pointer to UUID
void ext4_superblock_set_uuid(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uuid_t *uuid)
        uuid_encode(uuid, sb->uuid);

/** Get name of the filesystem volume.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Name of the volume
errno_t ext4_superblock_get_volume_name(ext4_superblock_t *sb, char *buf,
    size_t bufsz)
        size_t i;
        size_t wi;
        char32_t ch;
        errno_t rc;

        i = 0;
        wi = 0;
        while (sb->volume_name[i] != '\0' && i < sizeof(sb->volume_name)) {
                /* ISO 8859-1 codes map to identical Unicode code points */
                ch = (char32_t)(uint8_t)sb->volume_name[i];
                rc = chr_encode(ch, buf, &wi, bufsz - 1);
                if (rc != EOK)
                        return rc;


        buf[wi] = '\0';
        return EOK;

/** Set name of the filesystem volume.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param name New name of the volume
 * @return EOK on success or error code
errno_t ext4_superblock_set_volume_name(ext4_superblock_t *sb, const char *name)
        size_t off;
        char32_t ch;
        size_t wi;

        off = 0;
        wi = 0;
        while (wi < sizeof(sb->volume_name)) {
                ch = str_decode(name, &off, STR_NO_LIMIT);
                if (ch == 0)
                if (ch > 255)
                        return EINVAL;

                sb->volume_name[wi++] = ch;

        while (wi < sizeof(sb->volume_name))
                sb->volume_name[wi++] = '\0';

        return EOK;

/** Get name of the directory, where this filesystem was mounted at last.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Directory name
const char *ext4_superblock_get_last_mounted(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return sb->last_mounted;

/** Set name of the directory, where this filesystem was mounted at last.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param last Directory name
void ext4_superblock_set_last_mounted(ext4_superblock_t *sb, const char *last)
        memcpy(sb->last_mounted, last, sizeof(sb->last_mounted));

/** Get last orphaned i-node index.
 * Orphans are stored in linked list.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Last orphaned i-node index
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_last_orphan(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->last_orphan);

/** Set last orphaned i-node index.
 * Orphans are stored in linked list.
 * @param sb          Superblock
 * @param last_orphan Last orphaned i-node index
void ext4_superblock_set_last_orphan(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t last_orphan)
        sb->last_orphan = host2uint32_t_le(last_orphan);

/** Get hash seed for directory index hash function.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Hash seed pointer
const uint32_t *ext4_superblock_get_hash_seed(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return sb->hash_seed;

/** Set hash seed for directory index hash function.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param seed Hash seed pointer
void ext4_superblock_set_hash_seed(ext4_superblock_t *sb, const uint32_t *seed)
        memcpy(sb->hash_seed, seed, sizeof(sb->hash_seed));

/** Get default version of the hash algorithm version for directory index.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Default hash version
uint8_t ext4_superblock_get_default_hash_version(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return sb->default_hash_version;

/** Set default version of the hash algorithm version for directory index.
 * @param sb      Superblock
 * @param version Default hash version
void ext4_superblock_set_default_hash_version(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint8_t version)
        sb->default_hash_version = version;

/** Get size of block group descriptor structure.
 * Output value is checked for minimal size.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Size of block group descriptor
uint16_t ext4_superblock_get_desc_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        uint16_t size = uint16_t_le2host(sb->desc_size);

                size = EXT4_MIN_BLOCK_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE;

        return size;

/** Set size of block group descriptor structure.
 * Input value is checked for minimal size.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param size Size of block group descriptor
void ext4_superblock_set_desc_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint16_t size)
                sb->desc_size =

        sb->desc_size = host2uint16_t_le(size);

/** Get superblock flags.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Flags from the superblock
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_flags(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->flags);

/** Set superblock flags.
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param flags Flags for the superblock
void ext4_superblock_set_flags(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t flags)
        sb->flags = host2uint32_t_le(flags);

 * More complex superblock operations

/** Check if superblock has specified flag.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param flag Flag to be checked
 * @return True, if superblock has the flag
bool ext4_superblock_has_flag(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t flag)
        if (ext4_superblock_get_flags(sb) & flag)
                return true;

        return false;

/** Check if filesystem supports compatible feature.
 * @param sb      Superblock
 * @param feature Feature to be checked
 * @return True, if filesystem supports the feature
bool ext4_superblock_has_feature_compatible(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t feature)
        if (ext4_superblock_get_features_compatible(sb) & feature)
                return true;

        return false;

/** Check if filesystem supports incompatible feature.
 * @param sb      Superblock
 * @param feature Feature to be checked
 * @return True, if filesystem supports the feature
bool ext4_superblock_has_feature_incompatible(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t feature)
        if (ext4_superblock_get_features_incompatible(sb) & feature)
                return true;

        return false;

/** Check if filesystem supports read-only compatible feature.
 * @param sb      Superblock
 * @param feature Feature to be checked
 * @return True, if filesystem supports the feature
bool ext4_superblock_has_feature_read_only(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t feature)
        if (ext4_superblock_get_features_read_only(sb) & feature)
                return true;

        return false;

/** Read superblock directly from block device.
 * @param service_id Block device identifier
 * @param sb         Output pointer to memory structure
 * @return Eerror code.
errno_t ext4_superblock_read_direct(service_id_t service_id, ext4_superblock_t **sb)
        /* Allocated memory for superblock structure */
        void *data = malloc(EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE);
        if (data == NULL)
                return ENOMEM;

        /* Read data from block device */
        errno_t rc = block_read_bytes_direct(service_id, EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_OFFSET,
            EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE, data);

        if (rc != EOK) {
                return rc;

        /* Set output value */
        (*sb) = data;

        return EOK;

/** Write superblock structure directly to block device.
 * @param service_id Block device identifier
 * @param sb         Superblock to be written
 * @return Error code
errno_t ext4_superblock_write_direct(service_id_t service_id, ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        /* Load physical block size from block device */
        size_t phys_block_size;
        errno_t rc = block_get_bsize(service_id, &phys_block_size);
        if (rc != EOK)
                return rc;

        /* Compute address of the first block */
        uint64_t first_block = EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_OFFSET / phys_block_size;

        if (phys_block_size <= EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE) {
                /* Superblock is a multiple of physical block sizes */
                size_t block_count = EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE / phys_block_size;
                return block_write_direct(service_id, first_block, block_count, sb);

         * Superblock fills only a part of the physical block,
         * but we can only overwrite an entire physical block.
        void *tmp_sb = malloc(phys_block_size);
        if (tmp_sb == NULL)
                return ENOMEM;

        /* Preserve physical block data */
        rc = block_read_direct(service_id, first_block, 1, tmp_sb);
        if (rc == EOK) {
                /* Write the superblock */
                void *sb_pos = tmp_sb + EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_OFFSET % phys_block_size;
                memcpy(sb_pos, sb, EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE);

                /* Write physical block to device */
                rc = block_write_direct(service_id, first_block, 1, tmp_sb);

        return rc;

/** Release the memory allocated for the superblock structure
 * @param sb         Superblock to be freed
void ext4_superblock_release(ext4_superblock_t *sb)

/** Check sanity of the superblock.
 * This check is performed at mount time.
 * Checks are described by one-line comments in the code.
 * @param sb Superblock to check
 * @return Error code
errno_t ext4_superblock_check_sanity(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        if (ext4_superblock_get_magic(sb) != EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_MAGIC)
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (ext4_superblock_get_inodes_count(sb) == 0)
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (ext4_superblock_get_blocks_count(sb) == 0)
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (ext4_superblock_get_blocks_per_group(sb) == 0)
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (ext4_superblock_get_inodes_per_group(sb) == 0)
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (ext4_superblock_get_inode_size(sb) < 128)
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (ext4_superblock_get_first_inode(sb) < 11)
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (ext4_superblock_get_desc_size(sb) <
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (ext4_superblock_get_desc_size(sb) >
                return ENOTSUP;

        return EOK;

/** Compute number of block groups in the filesystem.
 * @param sb Superblock
 * @return Number of block groups
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_block_group_count(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        uint64_t blocks_count = ext4_superblock_get_blocks_count(sb) - 1;
        uint32_t blocks_per_group = ext4_superblock_get_blocks_per_group(sb);

        uint32_t block_groups_count = blocks_count / blocks_per_group;

        if (blocks_count % blocks_per_group)

        return block_groups_count;

/** Compute number of blocks in specified block group.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param bgid Block group index
 * @return Number of blocks
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_blocks_in_group(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t bgid)
        uint32_t block_group_count =
        uint32_t blocks_per_group =
        uint64_t total_blocks =
        uint32_t first_block =

        if (bgid < block_group_count - 1)
                return blocks_per_group;
                return (total_blocks - ((block_group_count - 1) * blocks_per_group)) - first_block;

/** Compute number of i-nodes in specified block group.
 * @param sb   Superblock
 * @param bgid Block group index
 * @return Number of i-nodes
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_inodes_in_group(ext4_superblock_t *sb, uint32_t bgid)
        uint32_t block_group_count =
        uint32_t inodes_per_group =
        uint32_t total_inodes =

        if (bgid < block_group_count - 1)
                return inodes_per_group;
                return (total_inodes - ((block_group_count - 1) * inodes_per_group));

/** Get the backup groups used with SPARSE_SUPER2
 * @param sb    Pointer to the superblock
 * @param g1    Output pointer to the first backup group
 * @param g2    Output pointer to the second backup group
void ext4_superblock_get_backup_groups_sparse2(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t *g1, uint32_t *g2)
        *g1 = uint32_t_le2host(sb->backup_bgs[0]);
        *g2 = uint32_t_le2host(sb->backup_bgs[1]);

/** Set the backup groups (SPARSE SUPER2)
 * @param sb    Pointer to the superblock
 * @param g1    Index of the first group
 * @param g2    Index of the second group
void ext4_superblock_set_backup_groups_sparse2(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t g1, uint32_t g2)
        sb->backup_bgs[0] = host2uint32_t_le(g1);
        sb->backup_bgs[1] = host2uint32_t_le(g2);

/** Get the number of blocks (per group) reserved to GDT expansion
 * @param sb    Pointer to the superblock
 * @return      Number of blocks
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_reserved_gdt_blocks(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return uint32_t_le2host(sb->reserved_gdt_blocks);

/** Set the number of blocks (per group) reserved to GDT expansion
 * @param sb    Pointer to the superblock
 * @param n     Number of reserved blocks
void ext4_superblock_set_reserved_gdt_blocks(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t n)
        sb->reserved_gdt_blocks = host2uint32_t_le(n);

/** Get the size of the flex groups
 * @param sb    Pointer to the superblock
 * @return      Size of the flex groups
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_flex_group_size(ext4_superblock_t *sb)
        return 2 << sb->log_groups_per_flex;

/* Check if n is a power of p */
static bool is_power_of(uint32_t n, unsigned p)
        if (p == 1 && n != p)
                return false;

        while (n != p) {
                if (n < p)
                        return false;
                else if ((n % p) != 0)
                        return false;

                n /= p;

        return true;

/** Get the number of blocks used by superblock + gdt + reserved gdt backups
 * @param sb    Superblock
 * @param idx   Block group index
 * @return      Number of blocks
uint32_t ext4_superblock_get_group_backup_blocks(ext4_superblock_t *sb,
    uint32_t idx)
        uint32_t r = 0;
        bool has_backups = false;

        /* First step: determine if the block group contains the backups */

        if (idx <= 1)
                has_backups = true;
        else {
                if (ext4_superblock_has_feature_compatible(sb,
                    EXT4_FEATURE_COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER2)) {
                        uint32_t g1, g2;

                            &g1, &g2);

                        if (idx == g1 || idx == g2)
                                has_backups = true;
                } else if (!ext4_superblock_has_feature_read_only(sb,
                    EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER)) {
                         * Very old fs were all block groups have
                         * superblock and block descriptors backups.
                        has_backups = true;
                } else {
                        if ((idx & 1) && (is_power_of(idx, 3) ||
                            is_power_of(idx, 5) || is_power_of(idx, 7)))
                                has_backups = true;

        if (has_backups) {
                uint32_t bg_count;
                uint32_t bg_desc_sz;
                uint32_t gdt_table; /* Size of the GDT in blocks */
                uint32_t block_size = ext4_superblock_get_block_size(sb);

                 * Now we know that this block group has backups,
                 * we have to compute how many blocks are reserved
                 * for them

                /* This accounts for the superblock */

                /* Add the number of blocks used for the GDT */
                bg_count = ext4_superblock_get_block_group_count(sb);
                bg_desc_sz = ext4_superblock_get_desc_size(sb);
                gdt_table = ROUND_UP(bg_count * bg_desc_sz, block_size) /

                r += gdt_table;

                /* And now the number of reserved GDT blocks */
                r += ext4_superblock_get_reserved_gdt_blocks(sb);

        return r;

/** Create superblock for new file system.
 * @param dev_bsize Device block size
 * @param dev_bcnt Device number of blocks
 * @param cfg Configuration of new file system
 * @param rsb Place to store pointer to newly allocated superblock
 * @return EOK on success or error code
errno_t ext4_superblock_create(size_t dev_bsize, uint64_t dev_bcnt,
    ext4_cfg_t *cfg, ext4_superblock_t **rsb)
        ext4_superblock_t *sb;
        uuid_t uuid;
        uint32_t cur_ts;
        uint64_t first_block = 0;
        uint64_t fs_blocks;
        uint32_t blocks_count;
        uint32_t free_blocks;
        uint32_t inodes_count;
        uint64_t blocks_group;
        uint64_t inodes_group;
        uint32_t inodes_block;
        uint32_t inode_table_blocks;
        uint32_t res_blocks;
        uint32_t ngroups;
        uint32_t idx;
        size_t fs_bsize;
        size_t fs_bsize_log;
        errno_t rc;
        struct timespec ts;

        sb = calloc(1, sizeof(ext4_superblock_t));
        if (sb == NULL)
                return ENOMEM;

        rc = uuid_generate(&uuid);
        if (rc != EOK)
                goto error;

        /* Current UNIX time */
        getrealtime(&ts); // XXX ISO C does not say what the epoch is
        cur_ts = ts.tv_sec;

        fs_bsize = cfg->bsize;
        switch (fs_bsize) {
        case 1024:
                first_block = 1;
                fs_bsize_log = 0;
                blocks_group = 8192;
        case 2048:
                fs_bsize_log = 1;
                blocks_group = 8192 * 2;
        case 4096:
                fs_bsize_log = 2;
                blocks_group = 8192 * 4;
                return ENOTSUP;

        if (fs_bsize % dev_bsize == 0) {
                /* Small device blocks */
                fs_blocks = dev_bcnt / (fs_bsize / dev_bsize);
        } else {
                /* Large device blocks */
                fs_blocks = dev_bcnt * (dev_bsize / fs_bsize);

        /* Inodes per group */
        inodes_block = fs_bsize / EXT4_REV0_INODE_SIZE;
        inodes_group = min((fs_blocks - first_block) / 8,
            blocks_group / 4);
        if (inodes_group < 16)
                inodes_group = 16;

        /* Align up to multiple of inodes_block */
        if (inodes_group % inodes_block != 0)
                inodes_group += inodes_block - inodes_group % inodes_block;
        inode_table_blocks = inodes_group / inodes_block;

        /* Number of groups */
        ngroups = ((fs_blocks - first_block) + blocks_group - 1) / blocks_group;

        /* Count of all blocks in groups */
        blocks_count = fs_blocks - first_block;

        /* Count of all inodes */
        inodes_count = ngroups * inodes_group;

        /* Count of blocks reserved for superuser */
        res_blocks = (blocks_count + 19) / 20;

        free_blocks = blocks_count;

        ext4_superblock_set_magic(sb, EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_MAGIC);
        ext4_superblock_set_inodes_count(sb, inodes_count);
        /* This seems to include the boot block, despite the ext2fs docs */
        ext4_superblock_set_blocks_count(sb, fs_blocks);
        ext4_superblock_set_reserved_blocks_count(sb, res_blocks);
        ext4_superblock_set_free_blocks_count(sb, free_blocks);
        ext4_superblock_set_free_inodes_count(sb, inodes_count);
        ext4_superblock_set_first_data_block(sb, first_block);
        ext4_superblock_set_log_block_size(sb, fs_bsize_log);
        /* Fragment size should be equal to block size */
        ext4_superblock_set_log_frag_size(sb, fs_bsize_log);
        ext4_superblock_set_blocks_per_group(sb, blocks_group);
        /* Should be the same as blocks per group. */
        ext4_superblock_set_frags_per_group(sb, blocks_group);
        ext4_superblock_set_inodes_per_group(sb, inodes_group);
        ext4_superblock_set_mount_time(sb, 0);
        ext4_superblock_set_write_time(sb, cur_ts);
        ext4_superblock_set_mount_count(sb, 0);
        ext4_superblock_set_max_mount_count(sb, (uint16_t)-1);
        ext4_superblock_set_state(sb, EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_STATE_VALID_FS);
        ext4_superblock_set_errors(sb, EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_ERRORS_CONTINUE);
        ext4_superblock_set_minor_rev_level(sb, 0); // XXX
        ext4_superblock_set_last_check_time(sb, cur_ts);
        ext4_superblock_set_check_interval(sb, 0);
        ext4_superblock_set_creator_os(sb, EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_OS_LINUX);
        if (cfg->version >= extver_ext2)
                ext4_superblock_set_rev_level(sb, EXT4_DYNAMIC_REV);
                ext4_superblock_set_rev_level(sb, EXT4_GOOD_OLD_REV);
        ext4_superblock_set_def_resuid(sb, 0);
        ext4_superblock_set_def_resgid(sb, 0);

        if (cfg->version >= extver_ext2) {
                /* Dynamic rev */
                ext4_superblock_set_first_inode(sb, EXT4_REV0_FIRST_INO);
                ext4_superblock_set_inode_size(sb, EXT4_REV0_INODE_SIZE);
                ext4_superblock_set_block_group_index(sb, 0); // XXX
                ext4_superblock_set_features_compatible(sb, 0);
                ext4_superblock_set_features_incompatible(sb, 0);
                ext4_superblock_set_features_read_only(sb, 0);

                ext4_superblock_set_uuid(sb, &uuid);

                rc = ext4_superblock_set_volume_name(sb, cfg->volume_name);
                if (rc != EOK)
                        goto error;

                /* 64-byte Latin-1 string padded with null characters */
                sb->algorithm_usage_bitmap = 0;
#if 0
        /* Journalling */
        ext4_superblock_set_desc_size(sb, EXT4_MAX_BLOCK_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE);

        /* Compute free blocks */
        free_blocks = blocks_count;
        for (idx = 0; idx < ngroups; idx++) {
                free_blocks -= ext4_superblock_get_group_backup_blocks(sb, idx);
                /* One for block bitmap, one for inode bitamp */
                free_blocks -= 2;
                free_blocks -= inode_table_blocks;

        ext4_superblock_set_free_blocks_count(sb, free_blocks);

        *rsb = sb;
        return EOK;
        return rc;

 * @}

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